Saturday, June 07, 2008

So, I got malaria.

It was about Saturday, May 31st that I first started feeling dizzy and fatigued, and after a couple days feeling pretty lousy, I went to the hospital and it turned I had full-blown, no-joke malaria. My parasite count was serious and I was admitted that day.
From Tuesday to today Saturday, I mainly tried to keep down food so many kind people brought in. It wasn't my version of comfort food, but I helped down what I could, making sure to drink more water and juice than I really wanted. The quinine drip ran for four hours with a four hour break. All in all it was a miserable time, despite having a private room and self-contained bath
As scheduled, they discharged me today, and I traded an IV drip for tablets and home.
Thanks for all of your calls and prayers. You pulled me through a very lonely, miserable time.


Matthew Kellen said...

Mr. Simpson,

That really sucks dude. I feel for you bro. If you need a vacation you can come be a missionary with me in Grahamstown. We'll watch movies, eat ice cream and speak English to each other and everyone we meet.

Matt Kellen

Kate said...

having trouble posting a comment... but i hope you´re feeling better! maybe we can run into each other sometime states-side?