Thursday, April 03, 2008

Acceptable Loss

Hello Friends,

So no one worries, while in Cape Town my cell phone was stolen out of our rental car. I think a door was left unlocked (probably me) and we were thankful a cell phone and some loose change was all we lost. Apparently, Cape Town criminals don't appreciate Jack Johnson or Charles Mingus - clearly Matt and I still have work to do in our respective missions. I'll pick up a cheap cell phone soon (maybe tomorrow) and let everyone know what my new number is when I get to Uganda.

My time here in South Africa so far has been wonderful, and there's more still to come. I'm taking a bus from Grahamstown, where I am now, to Umtata to visit Jesse Zink (see his link on this blog) for a few days before finally flying home to Uganda.

Talk to you soon!

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