Sunday, December 02, 2007

Murchison Falls

I present to you Murchison Falls, in the National Park of the same name, a three hour drive from Gulu.  This is the Nile River, about 150 miles or so from its source, Lake Victoria.  No still picture or video will substitute being there beside it, but you'll get both soon on the website. 
The crew you see here are from Invisible Children except myself.  Some IC friends I've made graciously invited me, and I'm very glad they did.  Aside from the boat safari and optional 1-hour hike to the top of the falls, we took a sunrise safari through the park grounds (I riding atop the Land Cruiser) and saw giraffes, warthogs, impala, hippos, elephants, crested cranes (national bird) and....(drumroll) not one, but two prides of lions, at a range of about 15 feet.  An amazing two days.  I might throw in some stories about it soon.
Lastly, congratulations to my sister, Molly, who was confirmed today at St. Martin's, Charlotte.
John Simpson
Missionary, Diocese of N. Uganda


Jesse Zink said...

I want to go there!


Elizabeth Duncan said...

I had a project in the 7th grade at JT about Lake Victoria! I made masks - ask Jessica - they were scary.