Monday, October 08, 2007

Calling a Kid a kid

I wake up in the morning to many sounds: trucks pulling out of the compound, roosters crowing, the bells of the Cathedral, the banging of a metal pole at the school next door signifying it's time for something, cows mooing, crickes chirping, exotic birds cawing, and kids screaming.

Yes, here in Uganda, and on this very compound, we raise goats, and I'm pretty sure that goats and lambs are male and female, and that their young are called kids. (If I'm wrong, just let it go. You don't have to post anything dramatic or hurtful.) Anyways, I quickly learned the connection between kids of humans and kids of goats/lambs: they sound exactly alike when they cry. There, a fun fact to impress your friends with.

I have some fun things to post about this week, if I get to it.
  • The State of Things in N. Uganda
  • The Story of Charles and Lawrence (you're intrigued by the ambiguity), and
  • At Least it's not Y2K

Hopefully, also soon will be an e-mail to my list-serve, the YASC list-serve, and whoever I can think of that I know would like to read it but has somehow failed to be on either.

Tomorrow is Independence Day here in Uganda, celebrating 45 years of independence from the British Empire (even though some I speak to say the Brits weren't so bad, and their departure has had ambibuous results). So in light of probable celebration on Tuesday, the diocesan pre-emptively gave us today off as well. Vive Uganda!

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